Get Involved with FACT
FACT is always excited to welcome new faces!
See our listings below for upcoming opportunities.
YouthFACT's 2025 production of
Beauty and the Beast Bed and Breakfast
Saturday, February 8, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
Sunday, February 9, 2025 at 1:00 - 3:00 p.m.
Luther Elementary School
Plan to stay for the entire two-hour block.
Callbacks, if necessary, will occur on Sunday afternoon.
Prepare a memorized monologue of no more than one minute. There are many free monologues available online for youth.
Contact Jodi Radcliff, Director
Friends of FACT
Become a Friend of FACT! Help us continue our long standing tradition of bringing quality theatre to our community. Strong community support allows us to produce several shows each season, as well as provide opportunities through YouthFACT, Readers Theatre, and educational workshops.
Benefits include:
Recognition in programs for shows.
Various ticket discounts and special offers (as announced).
Lead Actor, Headliner, and Superstar levels receive one free pair of tickets per membership year.
All members are invited to attend monthly board meetings.
All individual/household members are invited to attend annual membership meetings. Each membership represents one vote on questions at the annual meeting (that is, households have one vote). Individual members or a household representative must be present to vote.
All individual/household members are eligible for nomination (including self-nomination) to the Board of Directors. Elections are held at the annual meeting.
Membership Levels
$1000 and up
Lead Actor
Supporting Role
Corporate Sponsorship
As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization, FACT relies solely on our volunteers, Friends of FACT members, and the generosity of area businesses to create high-quality theatre for our community to enjoy. Our corporate sponsors help generate much-needed revenue that is used for production expenses, materials, publicity, and performance space rental. If you are a business owner, please consider sponsoring FACT and supporting local theatre!
Sponsorship Levels:
Footlight - $100
Recognition in programs for sponsored show.
Spotlight - $250
Recognition in programs for sponsored show.
1/4 page ad in programs for sponsored show.
Marquee - $500
Recognition in programs for sponsored show.
1/2 page ad in programs for sponsored show.
Patron - $1000
Recognition in programs for sponsored show.
Full page ad in programs for sponsored show.